(Buddha IT is an approved RFID e-Seal Vendor)

[Vendor Code: BUDD337724]

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About Us

We are highly experienced and well skilled company.

Establishing a strong foothold in the Information Technology industry with a totally new perspective, Buddha IT Solutions offers a wide array of services catering to the ever growing and ever challenging IT industry. Founded by a group of enterprising professionals who could envision business opportunities in the challenges thrown by this compelling and fast evolving technology.

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Our Services

****Buddha IT offers a complete range of IT solutions including Software Development, RFID and e-Seals, IT Infrastructure Services, Security and Surveillance

IT Infrastructure

We deliver IT Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Services including Data Centres, Servers, PC/Laptops, Printers, Networking and Computing Accessories. We provide onsite trained System/DB/Hardware Professionals as well as offsite maintenance services.

Software Development

Best-in-class projects require technology that perfectly supports the design. We rely on the right tools for the job, not a one-size-fits-all tech stack. We provide Software Development Life Cycle Services on a wide range of platforms - Standalone, Web, Cloud, Mobile

Security and Surveillance

We provide Design, Commissioning, Operations and Maintenance Services for a wide range of systems including CCTV, Baggage Scanners, Under Vehicle Scanners, Boom Barriers, Accesss Control, Perimeter Security and IoT based Intrusion Detection. We have partnerships with Global Leaders and OEMs of Security/Surveillance Systems and provide end to end solutions.

RFID e-Seals

With Buddha IT e-Seal Web Portal, we facilitate Exporters to Self-Seal their Export Containers at their Factory or at CFS using cost effective and robust RFID Tamper proof e-Seals. Exporters can register online with us, place their e-Seal purchase enquiries to us, receive order confirmation and dispatch status, allocate seals against each container, and get online status of Seal Verification at CFS and/or Ports of their Export Containers. The portal is compliant with all guidelines issued by Indian Customs ( CBIC) board and has auto reporting features as mandated by Customs to report details of sale of e-Seals to exporters and allocation/sealing by Exporters.

Our Recent Projects

We have worked on Web design, development, IT Infra and Security projects for many different types of businesses including Corporates, Govt, PSU's and Defence. We specialize in IT consulting, logistical integration, Business Process Automation and Operational Efficiency.

Security and Surveillance

Trusted System Integrators

RFID Seals

Tamper proof Container Seals


Employee Self Services

Container Seals

Lead Management

Why Choose Buddha IT?

We at Buddha IT solutions have been building IT experiences for over 5 years. In that time we have gained a vast amount of experience and knowledge and provided IT Services to hundreds of Corporate Clients.

Contact With Us

We are here to help! Get in touch with the Buddha IT team to learn how our suite of services can provide the project visibility you need.

Call Us

+91 733 722 3388

+91 994 982 5577

Find Us

2nd Floor, 39-8-52,
Walkers Park Street,
Muralinagar, Visakhapatnam.
Andhra Pradesh - 530007